This is in the part of making predictions. My whole team is confused about the variable ypred. (ypred is in the line 7 below)
#suppose you have unseen data
unseen = dl.batch(fromRow=5000000, toRow=5100000)
for data in unseen:
data = data.iloc[:,:-1].astype(float) # drop the target column to simulate the fact it is unseen data.
data = engineerData(data, ) #apply data transform
model = lgb.Booster(model_file=‘lgbmModelUbs.txt’) #load up your model
ypred = model.predict(data)
def myPredictFunc(newData, dataTransformFunc, model):
data = dataTransformFunc(data) #apply data transform
return model.predict(data)
pred = myPredictionFunc(testSet, engineerData, model)