What is the variable ypred meaning in the notebook of beat pricing model?

This is in the part of making predictions. My whole team is confused about the variable ypred. (ypred is in the line 7 below)

#suppose you have unseen data

unseen = dl.batch(fromRow=5000000, toRow=5100000)

for data in unseen:

  data = data.iloc[:,:-1].astype(float) # drop the target column to simulate the fact it is unseen data.

  data = engineerData(data, ) #apply data transform

  model = lgb.Booster(model_file=‘lgbmModelUbs.txt’) #load up your model

  ypred = model.predict(data)

def myPredictFunc(newData, dataTransformFunc, model):

  data = dataTransformFunc(data) #apply data transform

  return model.predict(data)

pred = myPredictionFunc(testSet, engineerData, model)

It’s the (scalar) value you’re trying to predict using the first 164 columns as features. Each row is a data point, so if the input has shape (n, 164), ypred should be an n-dimensional vector.