Support for the second webinar (Script and video)


I have seen there is the video and webinar template script available for the first webinar:

Could you also share the same for the second one? I missed a big part of second webinar due to my work and i would like to have this support before the competition deadline.

Thank you a lot.

Hello Qiang,

Here is the script I have used in the leaderboard webinar. Please note that the “diversityScore” function is not shared with users as the aim is not to optimise this metric; you should aim to have exposure to all assets to increase your ranking.

We’ll publish the webinar replay on Monday 8 June.



## ===============

# Single asset portfolio

staticPayout = function(assetReturns, weights){

  dates = index(assetReturns)

  nbDate = nrow(assetReturns)

  alloc = xts(matrix(rep(weights, nbDate),nrow=nbDate, byrow=TRUE),

  alloc = to.monthly(alloc, OHLC=FALSE, indexAt=‘endof’)



# Check payout

rets = getStrategyReturns(list(‘TYa’, ‘USHYa’, ‘BNKa’))

print(head(staticPayout(rets, c(0.1,0.3,0.6))))

# Create portfolio with only one asset invested

portfolio(list(‘TYa’, ‘USHYa’, ‘BNKa’)) %>%

  payout(staticPayout, weights = c(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) %>%

  evaluate() -> singleAssetPort


# Create portfolio with only all assets invested

portfolio(list(‘TYa’, ‘USHYa’, ‘BNKa’)) %>%

  payout(staticPayout, weights = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2)) %>%

  evaluate() -> singleAssetPort


# Diversification score is higher => we improved our diversification


## ==========

#1. Hard coding data calls

poorPayout = function(assetReturns){

  # Call data here …

  px = getAlphathonBBs(asPrice=TRUE)

  # … the payout becomes specific: it becomes artificially linked to the 

  # behaviour of getAlphathonBBs.





robustPayout = function(assetReturns, px=getAlphathonBBs()){





#2. Use external variables

px = getAlphathonBBs(asPrice=TRUE)

poorPayout = function(assetReturns){

  movingAverages = apply(px, 2, function(x){EMA(x, 50)})



robustPayout = function(assetReturns, px=getAlphathonBBs(asPrice=TRUE),

            MAperiod = 100){

  movingAverages = apply(px, 2, function(x){EMA(x, MAperiod)})



#3. Change in input structure

# What if input series gets discontinued?

# Test your payout with discontinued data to make sure it runs

returns = getStrategyReturns(list(‘TYa’, ‘USHYa’, ‘BNKa’))


discData = returns[-seq(1000, 1500),] 


strat = staticPayout(discData, c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2))

# check the allocations have been able to handle discontinuity

plot(as.numeric(index(strat)), coredata(strat[,1]))

#4. Use external libraries

poorPayout = function(assetReturns){

  dateMonths = month(index(assetReturns))



robustPayout = function(assetRetuns){

  dateMonths = lubridate::month(index(assetReturns)) 



Thank you a lot Herve.