"Some of your payouts are not in qlib" when running stressTest(portStrat)

I have followed the instruction and added a new payout to my personal folder in qlib. In fact my code in AlphienStudio ran successfully up to stressTest(portStrat) at which point I got the error

	Error in stressTest.portfolio(portStrat) :
Some of your payouts are not in qlib. Please refer to following wiki page and create one. https://wiki.alphien.com/ALwiki/Creating_a_payout

What should I do?


Can you check the print thats just above this error message? It should show you something like the below. Your filename in qlib should be exactly the same as your function name.


1 equalWeight1

Hi Yongcheng thanks for getting back. There is nothing above, the line immediately before was

> stressTest(portStrat)

Hi Peeeffchang,

Can you confirm whether the name of your R script in Qlib (the name listed under your personal folder) matches the name of the function within this very script? If you have created a new function called “myPayout” in your personal folder in Qlib, the name of the function within “myPayout” should also be “myPayout”, so the first line of your actual code should be myPayout = function(…){}

If there is a discrepancy between these two names, the stressTest function won’t be able to locate it.

Please let us know if your issue is fixed or if we should investigate further.



Hi Herve I have made sure of that already. The function code, the name saved to folder and the function call are all the same.


In reply to Yongcheng, now I see this


1 portfolioPayout
Error in stressTest.portfolio(portStrat) :
Some of your payouts are not in qlib. Please refer to following wiki page and create one. https://wiki.alphien.com/ALwiki/Creating_a_payout