PRICING - all review done?

Q1 Is all the review of the pricing challenge done and the leaderboard is final for week 1? I have a notebook with a version changed on 2020-10-05 21:50:51 but it is not shown on the leaderboard?

Q2 Is there any measure for the alphien team have taken to ensure that the model we have submitted are able to be trained on the platform ( i.e. with 2 cpus and 4gbs ram only)?


I can answer for Q1.

All submissions are processed in a Queue and the quant team tries to do a very thorough review which evidently takes time.

So if you have an approved submission and you update a newer version just before the deadline, it is almost certain that they wouldn’t be able to review it in time.

The weekly snapshot is automatic and we can’t really do much about it.

I’ll be happy to discuss it on Alphachat.

I will let the quant team answer Q2.
