One LeaderBoard Question


We have our team’s name appear in the leaderboard twice. I assume that is because we have two accepted submissions. Is there a way to figure out which record in the leaderboard corresponds to which of our submissions?

we can only see team’s name in the leader board, but not the names of the submissions. It will be nice if we can also see the name of submissions.


We will put up the Alphien Ref Number.

Can’t show notebook names because some of them are really weird.


Thank you, Manas.

Hi Manas, how can we identify the notebook with the ref number? I don’t seem to find it on our notebook

All your notebooks should be under My Notebooks

Hi Ohana,

You can find your ref code by doing the following:

  1. go to dashboard
  2. go to my Notebooks
  3. move your mouse to either “accepted” or “pending review” button under the “status” column
  4. then the ref code should show itself

It works for me. Hope that helps.

Yes it does. Thank you