I can't import Alphien:

Hey there,

I keep getting this error whenever I try to import the Alphien library:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/home/k1763304/UBSSPEQUITY/Library’

Also I wanted to ask if everything we do has to be done serverside, is there any way to import Alphien on my local machine?



Hi Adam,

The work you do on Alphien is protected and you (your team) keep its intellectual property. We ensure that the IP is protected by having all work done directly on our servers.

As per your issue, please PM me on Alphachat (https://alphachat.alphien.com/) so that we can solve this as this looks specific to your profile.


Hey Herve,

I fixed my issue by restarting my server - must’ve needed a restart to apply my permissions.
