How to Create Minimum Variance and Equal Risk Contribution Portfolios

We’ve released a webinar series about using pre-defined portfolio payout functions on the platform, watch the webinar here. You can load and run the supporting script by calling forkTemplate(‘webinar’) from your Alphien Studio or directly run the notebook.

The minimum variance portfolio
In 1952, the Journal of Finance published Harry Markovitz’s famous Portfolio Selection article, setting the foundations of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Markovitz’s idea was to construct portfolios based on correlations and volatilities rather than on anticipated asset returns. "The global minimum variance (GMV) portfolio is a remarkable portfolio providing the lowest possible portfolio volatility. This means that the only required optimisation inputs are correlations and volatilities. Since estimation risk inherent in expected returns is well known, the fact that the minimum volatility portfolio relies only on risk parameters is an appealing feature (see for example Amenc and Martellini (2002) among many others who have made this argument).

To be sure, estimating risk parameters is also a serious challenge, with issues such as the curse of dimensionality when dealing with a large number of assets as well as the curse of non-stationarity of risk in the stock market […]", the EDHEC Risk institute argues in their article Advantages and Shortcomings of Minimum Variance Portfolios.

In our portfolio payout webinar series, we show you how to construct the minimum variance portfolio using Alphien’s available portfolio payout functions. Here is the code:

portfolio(list('TYa', 'USHYa', 'BNKa')) %>%
   payout(minVarWeight, rollingPeriod=250, rebalancingFreq='daily') %>%
   payout(minRebalFreq) %>%
       evaluate() -> mvPort

You can explore the minVarWeight function in more detail on the platform; just run ?minVarWeight in your Alphien Studio console or directly browse the Qlib. If you want to know more about the theoretical grounds of the minimum variance portfolio, read our wiki page about it.

The equal risk contribution portfolio
Since Markovitz, other portfolio construction techniques have become popular, such as the equal risk contribution portfolio. The basic idea behind it is that weights can be deceiving: one asset can have a small weight in the portfolio but contribute to a large portion of the overall risk. One way to overcome this bias is to allocate the same amount of risk to each individual asset.

As Thierry Roncalli et al. explain in the article “On the Properties of Equally-Weighted Risk Contributions Portfolios”: “[…] equally-weighted risk contributions portfolios appear to be an attractive alternative to minimum variance and equally-weighted portfolios and might be considered a good trade-off between those two approaches in terms of absolute level of risk, risk budgeting and diversification.”

The code to create such a portfolio on Alphien is:

 portfolio(list('TYa', 'USHYa', 'BNKa')) %>%
     payout(ercWeight, rollingPeriod = 250, rebalancingFreq='daily') %>% 
     payout(minRebalFreq) %>% 
        evaluate() -> ercPort 

Again, you can run ?ercWeight in your Alphien Studio console or directly browse the Qlib to see the source code. If you want to know more about the theoretical grounds of the equal risk weighted portfolio, read our wiki page about it.

Reach out to us on the forum or alphaChat if you want to discuss about portfolio construction. You can also ask for topics you’d like us to cover and we’ll try to make a webinar out of it.