Is there an opportunity or an idea, how you don´t get kicked out, while the training process is running? Because I got logged out and automatically the training process stopped.
Hello - How long was the training process ? Sessions are usually logged out after 2 hours of ‘idle’ time. Thanks.
I would like to do some complex models for a good prediction. So would be nice if it could train, while Im sleeping and dont get logged out automatically.
Everyone has a limited amount of ‘resource’ to work with, limiting the training time is one constraint that you need to work with I am afraid. We have limited it to 2 hours but we may increase that depending on CPU availability on the Alphien platform.
My suggestion is to optimize your training by vectorizing (that’s the common error made) instead of using loops, try to make your training faster and more efficient.
Resource constraints is always part of the puzzle in machine learning problems ! Happy coding, Lionel.
Thanks I will try.