Hi, I just have 2 questions regarding the S&p500 competition.
First one is about external data:
From our understanding of the data we’re given, we’re only given price of the companies, and some information on a few indexes, but not the financial information of the companies, such as P/E, ROE etc. Are we able to obtain the data externally and use those data to determine our strategy? If so, is there anywhere showing us how we can import data (such as an excel) into the alphine system?
Secondly, we want to ask more specifically about the marking criteria, from our understand we’re marked 50% based on how much we outperform the Sp500 (meaning that the team with the highest % return will be ranked the highest?). We’re also want some clarification on the diversification part and the robustness part of the criteria. How is that part marked and what do they measure exactly.
Thank you.