Experiencing technical issues


Anybody is experiencing slow calcualtion and unstable memeory occupation right now?

Today, when i try to run my new payout function, it took an hour already without generating any progress info (i wrote code to print out the progress).

Then, i tested my previous code which hasn’t been modified since yesterday. Still it doesn’t run like it used to be.

Our strategy calculates a lot of tables, from our observation, usually the memory occupation gradually goes higher since more and more calculation is done and stored in variables. However, today, the memory occupation bounce back and forth, sometimes higher sometimes much lower.

So far, we haven’t seen any error message. the codes just run like there is no end.

Can anyone check this issue or provide any advice? thank you!

when I shorten the time range for data fetching, it functions normally. Probably is something wrong with data fecthing using data feature. Can anyone look into this? thank you!

When i set time range as 2007 to 2016, it only shows and stuck there forever with memory bouncing back and forth

Generating weights for AlphaMiner200zm977201011

Then i changed it to 2007 to 2012, the data loading process from the system is printed, along with other process monitoring messages written by our team

Generating weights for AlphaMiner200zm977201011
Values for KHC.US Equity, CFG.US Equity, FTV.US Equity, WRK.US Equity, NAVI.US Equity, COTY.US Equity, AAL.US Equity, ALLE.US Equity, EVHC.US Equity, QRVO.US Equity, ZTS.US Equity, SYF.US Equity, PYPL.US Equity, HPE.US Equity, CPGX.US Equity, UA.US Equity, NWS.US Equity, CSRA.US Equity, MNK.US Equity, GOOG.US Equity, BXLT.US Equity at requested dates have been coerced to NaN.

The message means that there are no data for the chosen period.

As per calculation, please check that you don’t have many kernels running, close the ones you don’t use, and restart the one doing the computations if you can.

Hello herve, yes i understand “… have been coerced to NaN.” means there is no data. But when i set the time range as 2007 to 2016 yesterday, there would be this “coerced to NaN” message, however even the time range is the same today doesn’t show message of this kind.

I am pretty sure the current notebook is the only kernel running.

Besides, right now Alphien platform really runs very very slow.