Confusion about pricing model submissions

Hi! I’m still confused on what & where we need to submit:

  1. For saving functions, such as engineerData, and other customized classes or functions, shall we create Python files in /<TeamDirectory>/Library/Qlib/, or shall we code the function directly in the submitted jupyter-notebook?
  2. For mandatory functions, is there any other function, besides engineerData, shall we submit? It’s confusing here because the competition requires feature explanation but doesn’t specify whether: A. we need a function to show the feature importance or, B. we can do whatever we want in the submitted jupyter-notebook, as long as we can show the feature importance.
  3. For shared jupyter-notebook, do we really need to publish it as ‘public’, where everyone can see? Is our final submitted notebook ‘public’?
  4. For the final submitted notebook, it seems we can’t find it anywhere in our team directory. Also we cannot find the ‘public’ notebooks in our team directory or notebook directory ~/Notebooks/ in Does that mean our final submitted notebook or public notebooks are stored separately from our lab directories?
  5. If we’re going to load pre-trained files, is there a specific directory we should load from? Or any directory will be fine as long as we specify it in our submitted notebook?

Thanks a lot and have a nice day!


Thanks, this clarifies everything a lot.