Asset Allocation Alphathon 404 Error


I am trying to load the data for asset allocation alphathon. But when I run forkTemplate(“assetAlloc”), it redirects me to a page to join, but then I get a 404 error. Not sure how to access the data and template?

Error in forkTemplate(“assetAlloc”) :
Could not find script assetAlloc. Please check it exists.
In addition: Warning message:
In forkTemplate(“assetAlloc”) :
you don’t have access to the script assetAlloc, check the newly opened window to join and get access.


Hello Majid,

We are looking into your problem. In the meantime, you can access the Jupyter notebook for this tutorial:

From the Alphien home page, go to Tools/Notebooks -> in the navigation part of the page, go to Notebooks/Alphaton/Asset Allocation Alphaton - Tutorial1.ipynb

We will come back to you as soon as we found the source of your error.


Hello Majid,

Did you try to fork the template without being registered for the Alphaton ?

That would explain the error you’re seeing.

Note that you need to completely log out of your session and Alphien Studio after registering for the Alphaton.

After you log back in, your authorisations will be up to date and you should be able to successfully fork the template.

Let me know if this solved the problem for you.


Hi Aurian,

I think I registered for alphathon before trying to load the template, but couldn’t be too sure.

In any case, I am able to access both the template and the notebook now, thank you!
