There is a error when I created a code in my team folder and tried to import alphien.
import alphien
Hello Lixinyu, welcome to Alphien!Importing your Alphien sub-packages…
import alphien.data
import alphien.portfolio
import alphien.tutorialImporting your Qlib functions… from team:
Alphien environment imported. Let’s do some research now!
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-d485941ac64f> in <module>
----> 1 import alphien/mnt/public/IT/Libs/Python/alphien/init.py in <module>
111 #del team function local var
112 if count!=0:
–> 113 del mf
114 del f
115 del specNameError: name ‘mf’ is not defined