Alphathon Sbumission


I had a question about the submission for alphathon: I can see a notebook, named Team Notebook.ipynb, in ~/ASSETALLOCATION/ folder. Is this the notebook where I should put all the code and submit this notebook? (I will be submitting individually, and not as a team, just to be clear.) Additionally, If I submit two strategies, how do I submit the second one, as I wasn’t able to create a new notebook in that ~/ASSETALLOCATION/ folder?

Additionally, if I am sourcing an R script in the notebook (containing functions), should I put that script in ~/ASSETALLOCATION/Library, or should the functions go under ~/Library/Functions/?


Hi Majid,

In you use notebooks, there is a button at the top right corner that reads “submit” which allows you to directly submit it to us. This implies that you originally forked one of our notebooks (tutorial for the alphathon for instance). When you submit, we will also have to “freeze” your payout. This is why we ask you to save your payout in the Qlib ( Create a new function in your personal folder there (create a new folder under your name -> new function with a right click -> paste the payout there; for more details, please see

If you use AlphienStudio, just save your portfolio in a script, then run stressTest(your_portfolio_name) in the console. When the stress test passes, you will be redirected to the submission page. Note that the payout still needs to be published in the Qlib.

On the submission page, you will be able to select your payout, along with all other functions (they need to be published in the Qlib) that your payout uses.

Please let me know if you need further details. Don’t hesitate to start a chat on AlphaChat with one member of our team or in a group chat if you need our help while you’re doing this.


Ok, great, thank you! Will give it a try, and ask on AlphaChat if faced any issues.

Also, can I do to a test submission with a dummy payout, just to test how the submission works? I’ll likely be submitting the actual model over the weekend, so just wanted to do a test before to see if I understand the process correctly?
