About the one week revision after October 11


We are given a week to revise our notebooks after October 11 for the challenge: Machine Learning for Complex Pricing Models. Are we also given a week to revise our notebooks for the other challenge: Outperform the S&P 500 Index?

Also, what is an acceptable revision during that time period? Will you consider our submissions if, on October 18, our notebooks are totally different from our original notebooks submitted on October 11?

I am asking because our team did not try to outperform the S&P 500 index. We would consider participating if we have that extra week. Of course, in that case, we will try to submit a decent notebook on October 11.

Thank you,


Hello - We will be very relaxed about type of revisions. As far as we are concerned we do not accept new teams or new submissions after October 11 but as long as you have made your 2 submissions we will allow for changes for a further week.

We remain strict on submission timing but we could also extend the revision time for the last week if we believe that we have slowed down teams with our own review time !

So please don’t feel discourage and participate and try to win ! We are here to help to get the best submission out there.


Thank you Lionel!