A few questions regarding case 2 pricing modle


  • According to description in tutorial, all data has 165 data points (164 input 1 output I assume), all formatted as floating numbers. In fact, column “ContractFeature_Schedule,EndDate_ENCODED” are formatted as ‘char’ type, is this deliberated?
  • Any chance we can have some explanations of the columns, at least the last 6 columns? I believe since this case requires model with certain explanatory, out models can have better explaining power with better understanding of what we are pricing or what are these indicators
  • As mentioned in tutorial, our model should not take more than 2 hours to train. Since there are 3 parts of the process, EDA, Training and predicting. Does this 2 hours include all 3 sections or just the training part?
  • </ol


    For point 2, please refer to this forum thread. Alphien Dashboard
