Beat the next market crash win an Xbox!
This month, we have brought back Beat the Next Market Crash challenge. In this challenge, your mission is to create a long-short strategy on the SP 500 futures that times the market correctly.
To encourage the use of data science, participants are asked to include at least 1 machine learning model in their payout. Check out our machine learning webinar videos and put your knowledge to test in real markets!
The winner will be rewarded with an Xbox and could potentially earn licensing fees on the winning strategy (learn more about licensing fees).
You can now code in Python on Alphien!
In July, we did a major upgrade of the user dashboard. Let Herve, our Chief Quantlab Officer, show you the new dashboard and Python environment:

We have a Knowledge Base section which has everything you need to get started on coding in Python. Try it out!
Get started on a quantitative strategy in just 2 clicks
Collaborating on Alphien is now even easier. We have released a new feature - public notebooks - where users can create, tag and publish notebooks for other users to view and fork. Public notebooks act as a springboard for users on their strategy development journey. It literally takes 2 clicks to have a working strategy now, check it out on your dashboard!
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